Foundations and Innovations in Hard and Soft Tissue Management for Dental Implant Therapy

Foundations and Innovations in Hard and Soft Tissue Management for Dental Implant Therapy

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Course Description

Day 1: Mastering Hard Tissue for Dental Implants

  • Achieving True Implant Success: Dive into the critical factors that define long-term success with implants.
  • Understanding Bone Loss Post-Extraction: Learn how tooth removal affects the underlying bone structure and why it matters for implants.
  • Socket Grafting Essentials: Discover why grafting extraction sockets is key to preserving bone for future implant placement.
  • Biomaterials Demystified: Explore various grafting materials and how to choose the right one for specific cases.
  • Gentle Extraction Techniques: Master atraumatic methods to protect bone and tissue during tooth removal.
  • The Three Socket Types: Get an introduction to socket classification and their impact on implant planning.
  • The 4 Keys to Successful Bone Grafting: Learn the critical elements to achieve predictable outcomes in bone grafting.
  • Flaps and Sutures Done Right: Analyze step-by-step techniques for effective incision design, flap management, and suturing.
  • Guided Bone Regeneration Simplified: Understand what it takes to achieve consistent results with GBR.
  • Choosing the Right Membrane: Discuss the vital considerations in selecting the right barrier membrane for grafting.
  • Addressing Vertical Bone Defects: Learn techniques to manage and overcome challenges with vertical bone loss.
  • Complication Management: Explore common bone grafting complications and strategies to resolve them.
  • Soft Tissue and Bone Grafting: Review the critical role of soft tissue management in hard tissue procedures.
  • Post-Op Success: Learn how to manage patients after surgery for optimal healing.
  • "Leave It or Take It Out?": Case-based discussions on whether to retain or extract ailing implants.
  • Live Surgery: Experience ridge augmentation in a live clinical setting.


Day 2: Perfecting Soft Tissue Grafting for Implant Success

  • Smile Design and Gingival Esthetics: Learn to create natural, esthetic outcomes by understanding gingival symmetry, shape, and visibility.
  • Diagnosing Recession: Gain insight into accurate diagnosis for effective treatment planning.
  • Enhancing Restorative Esthetics: Explore how root coverage surgeries can complement restorative treatments.
  • Soft Tissue Thickness Matters: Understand why tissue biotype and thickness are essential around implants.
  • Inlay vs. Onlay Grafting: Compare techniques to increase tissue thickness and ensure long-term stability.
  • Grafting Techniques: Review tried-and-true gingival grafting approaches.
  • When to Use the Palate: Understand when the palate is necessary as a donor site—and when alternatives are better.
  • Advanced Mucogingival Techniques: Learn to treat defects using Alloderm and non-invasive tunneling approaches.
  • Growth Factors in Soft Tissue: Discover how L-PRF and other growth factors can elevate your grafting outcomes.
  • Hands-On PRF: Work with sticky bone techniques for a tangible learning experience.
  • Interactive Lab: Practice free gingival grafts, ridge augmentation, and advanced suturing on pig jaws and tissue models.